국내 주요 소매은행의 우수고객관리 프로그램 현황 분석 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 경영전문블로그 Innovator

장강일의 경영전문블로그입니다.


국내 주요 소매은행의 우수고객관리 프로그램 현황 분석 및 개선방안에 관한 연구

(출처: 장강일. Entrue Journal of Information Technology, 2002년 7월 제1권 제1호)

논문 다운로드 (LG CNS, Entrue 저널 사이트)

With a severe restructuring and a high competition in the bank industry, the emphasis of business is increasingly put on profitability. Especially for retail banks, the classification and management of customers based on profitability becomes important issues. However, the cost required in maintaining relevant systems is so high also with one spent in acquiring data for customers as a whole. In fact, most benefit of a certain bank is gathered from a few loyal customers. Accordingly, most of banks are vigorously trying to measure ROI of the few royal customers and striving to raise earnings from them. This is also true to domestic retail banks which are recognizing the need of loyalty program and operating diverse programs. This report is executed to help design and manage effective loyalty programs. We conducted interviews on the persons in charge of royalty programs of 9 major domestic retail banks and made a survey on 5 banks among them. Based on data from these researches, we reviewed on royalty programs of Korean domestic banks and propose improvement measures to facilitate royalty program.

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